Welcome! The articles on this website were written for those who are diligently searching for truth within the pages of the Bible and uncovering, for themselves, God’s plan and purpose for this world.

These articles are based entirely on God’s Word, on topics including Baptism, Why God Allows Suffering, the Sabbath and many more! We would be happy to discuss anything you read here in more detail or, for more detailed resources including a free, online Bible course, visit This Is Your Bible.

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Is a better
world possible?

A vision of the future world promised by God

A better world? Isn’t this what motivates many people? Reforms of all kind continue to be tried. Many have sacrificed time, money, and even their lives in the pursuit of a better world, a world without poverty, without injustice and evil; a place where children can grow without fear of the devastations from war, of abuse and neglect, of poverty and malnutrition… continue reading

Have you ever wondered about God? I don’t just mean wondered about whether He exists or not. I assume because you are reading this you probably believe in His existence. Rather, have you ever wondered about who He is? Really, it almost feels as though this is the next step in coming to know our Creator. First, we ask ourselves if He truly exists. When we affirm that belief, we then come next to ask, “Well, if He exists, then who is He?” continue reading
Are you surprised by this question? God commanded Israel to rest on the Sabbath because that is what He did. He created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then rested from His work on the seventh. Keeping the Sabbath is also one of the Ten Commandments God gave to Moses and even inscribed it on tablets of stone! Yet, from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, there were questions about the Sabbath, questions that continue to this day. continue reading

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